Thursday, January 20, 2011

What Is Parody Diagnosis.


also born in Umbria are the Sentinels of the Road, they volunteer at no cost and will try to solve the problems of working with the Road Traffic institutions in helping people and hoping that it is very important, does not affect the color but the political will and commitment to try to handle situations in which up to now are unable to resolve to learn more just visit website by clicking the below Paypal below


Ieri a Roma, alla Camera dei Deputati è stato presentato il piano di azione politico-sociale della Fondazione Luigi GuccioneLe polizze assicurative sempre più alte. Gli incidenti stradali diminuiscono. I profitti degli assicuratori crescono. E tutti zitti madama la marchesa. Ora il Governo dice
che paghiamo troppo e chiede agli assicuratori di diminuire i premi. Ma non fa nulla per far abbassare, nella sostanza, i costi.

Che il 10,50 % del RC Auto (contributo sanitario) dal 1982 non viene destinato alle vittime della strada sono in pochi a saperlo. Che la destinazione di tali fondi al Ministero della Salute non viene nemmeno rendicontata ancora meno. And we asked them if the attachment is merely a provocation? Because the government underreported the cost - it is his duty to the law - and the revenues as is required to do even "certified" by a ruling of the Supreme Court? The use of the proceeds
contravention of Article. 208 of the Highway Code is in doubt. There is still no decrees of the Law 120 of July 29, 2010 while in the old rule has been replaced. Nobody controls the actual destination (as required by the Road Traffic Code) of the revenues raised by the fines. E 'situation is not sustainable. Municipalities and Provinces were held in check for years - for financial transfers from the State - But we can no longer tolerate the amounts "taken (with fines) to the public and" intended "to road safety should be" diverted "to other budget items. It requires collective action to seek to set aside a special fund in the stores to check the destination of the fines and use according to the dictates of the law.
Walkways from 1 August are more "favorable" to pedestrians. Cars must give way and, if necessary to stop when a pedestrian is about to cross. One of our videos in several Italian cities shows that this is not indifferent to who should control. Launched in collaboration with the Centre for Initiatives for Legality Democratica dell’IICA (Istituto internazionale per il Consumo e l’Ambiente), presenti ed intervenuti il Presidente, Avvocato Giuseppe Lo Mastro e l’Avvocato Roberto Canestrelli che hanno esposto le loro argomentazioni in punto di diritto (link).


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