Stages of comics TunuéLab
What are the stages of comics TunuéLab? The internships are TunuèLab
training sessions of 3 hours each.
Each lesson includes a theoretical part, where the experts of the comic will explain the techniques, genres and styles of comics, and a part of the laboratory, where they can challenge themselves with what has just learned.
At the end of the lesson the teacher will be available for questions, insights, curiosity ...
The internships will be two themes:
techniques cartoon
Genres and schools of comics
Who are the teachers of the stage?
Stages are taught by professional writers and cartoonists: Elena Casagrande , Ottokin (Paul Bell ) Foderà Marco, Emiliano Mammucari , Elizabeth Melarancio , Luca Russo, Cristiano Silvi , Yoshiko Watanabe .
Classes will be held on Saturday afternoon from 15:00 to 18:00, according to the timetable following:
techniques of Comics:
Saturday, January 22 - Course comic: editorial graphic held by Ottokin (Paul Bell )
The lesson of the internship costs € 48.00 + € 3.80 for enrollment management.
You can purchase it online by clicking on the cart below
Saturday, February 19 - Course comic: screenplay held by Cristiano Silvi
The lesson of the internship costs € 48,00 + € 3,80 per la gestione delle iscrizioni.
Puoi acquistarlo on line, cliccando sotto
sabato 19 Marzo - Corso di fumetti: l’arte di raccontare tenuto da Emiliano Mammucari .
La lezione dello stage costa € 48,00 + € 3,80 per la gestione delle iscrizioni.
Puoi acquistarlo on line, cliccando sul carrello qui sotto
sabato 16 Aprile - Corso di fumetto: colorazione tenuto da Luca Russo .
La lezione dello stage costa € 48.00 + € 3.80 for enrollment management.
You can purchase it online by clicking on the cart under
Buy the pack of current techniques cartoon
The pack, which allows you to attend four lessons for the price of a loaf of stage three, costs € 144.00 + € 3.80 for enrollment management.
You can purchase it online by clicking on the cart below
Genres and schools of comics
Saturday, January 15 - Course cartoon: the secret to drawing manga held by Yoshiko Watanabe
The lesson of the internship costs € 48.00 + € 3.80 for enrollment management.
You can purchase it online by clicking on the cart below
Saturday, February 12 - Course comic: Bonelli held by Marco Foderà
The lesson of the internship costs € 48 , 00 + € 3.80 for enrollment management.
You can purchase it online by clicking on the cart below
sabato12 March - Course comic: Superheroes held by Elena Casagrande .
La lezione dello stage costa € 48,00 + € 3,80 per la gestione delle iscrizioni.
Puoi acquistarlo on line, cliccando sul carrello qui sotto
sabato 9 aprile - Corso di fumetto: la magia disney tenuto da Elisabetta Melaranci
La lezione dello stage costa € 48,00 + € 3,80 per la gestione delle iscrizioni.
Puoi acquistarlo on line, cliccando sul carrello qui sotto
Acquista il pack del corso I Generi e le scuole di fumetto
Il pack, che ti permette di attend four lessons for the price of a loaf of stage three, costs € 144.00 + € 3.80 for enrollment management.
You can purchase it online by clicking on the cart below
Where will the lessons of the stage?
the premises of the library in the district because of Volsci III, 139 in Latin America.
How do I subscribe?
You can send an e-mail to tunuelab@gmail.com
You can call us at 0773 661760
Or you can buy directly online
What methods of payment?
You can purchase it online by clicking sul carrello sotto la descrizione del corso
Oppure puoi fare un bonifico a:
Tunué Srl
Via degli Ernici, 30
04100 Latina Italy
c/o Unicredit Banca
Codice IBAN
Posso frequentare un solo stage?
Si, basta seguire le indicazioni riportate nalla pagina dello stage a cui sei interessato e acquistare solo la lezione che vuoi frequentare.
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