wishes from Latin augurari ( Augur verb) predict, choose to bring. The Cards are projections of desires, hopes and investing intersect the future of a person and a community. Therefore, just because they represent the desire for a change, a turning point in life, continue to hope for something more and different, these cards are inconvenient. Greetings
inconvenient to those who continue to poison our land, incurante dello stato di salute pubblica, della qualità della vita dei nostri piccoli, grandi e anziani; con il desiderio che ciascuno possa sentirsi il custode della propria terra e condividere questa responsabilità con gli altri.
Auguri scomodi a chi ara il terreno per non consentire il passaggio a chi vive nei casolari, ben cosciente che ci sono bambini che vanno a scuola; con la speranza che possa comprendere l’importanza del diritto all’istruzione e della salvaguardia della dignità di ogni persona che abita questo mondo.
Auguri scomodi a chi quotidianamente si lamenta del proprio paese, di come vanno le cose, stando alla finestra senza mai immergersi nella pratica, difficile e irta di ostacoli, del cambiamento; auspicando dell'ignavia exceeded, and the emergence of commitment. Greetings
inconvenient to those who say they want change, but actually behaves like the worst defender of the status quo, and that could aspire to the high value of honesty and loyalty. Greetings
inconvenient to those who ruin the lives of many children, holding a tool for drug dealing, bearers of death for all, who can learn the sacred value of life of each person. We have responsibility to receive and re-enter society who was wrong. Greetings
inconvenient to those who hinder the inclusion and integration of children of migrant children in our schools, to understand the importance of conviviality differences in a world where all we come as strangers and pilgrims. Greetings
uncomfortable solidarity with those who are not college kids who have occupied the historic monuments of our country, going up on roofs to claim rights and listen to the words of the sky, he can hear our requests and to build together a real university reform. Greetings
inconvenient to those who devalued daily the noble art of politics, favoritism, patronage and business, allowing only their friends and / or supporters of winning contracts, which can discover the liberating potential of politics, of the healthy, beautiful love the common good from the last. Greetings
inconvenient to those who exploit the work of many people are forced to sell their life to bring some 'bread at home, albeit in black and underpaid, who may know the importance of recognizing the right to work. Greetings
inconvenient to those who do not undertake to find alternative housing strategies for many families, because the right to housing is an integral part of the concept of dignity of each person to construct social policies that include everyone, without discrimination. Greetings
convenient to those who hope for a better future, in building a friendly community, who feel a 'salutary anxiety' for their land, for its status, problems, obstacles and expectations. Congratulations to those who do not resign and watches per l’Aurora.
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