In our country the number of immigrants increases more and more. Even here many migrants live in Orta Nova, or at least trying to live a dignified life as possible. But this is not easy. Our citizenship has decided to stand out thanks to some of us who care about their fates and are committed to help in a rather uncomfortable situation. In particular, we turned to the children, who are the most vulnerable and those most in need of a guide to ensure that they take the wrong road in the imminent future. E 'is the objective of our work, which consists mainly in helping at school, and that is where the major problems encountered. The school, in fact, the school has not always able to help them in depth. Così nasce il progetto intersectie. Questa parola rumena significa ‘incrocio’ e non poteva esserci termine più adatto per questo progetto. Si tratta, infatti, di un incrocio tra culture, lingue e religioni diverse. Ogni giorno passato insieme è un dono reciproco. Noi mettiamo in campo le nostre conoscenze per arricchire a far crescere le poche che possiedono già, migliorando il loro lessico e sostenendoli nell’impatto con discipline nuove e sempre più impegnative. Loro sanno donarci semplicità, affetto e tanta gioia, che per noi sono la ricompensa più grande. Inoltre ci regalano sempre molta felicità. Esatto felicità! Ci domandiamo come dei bambini “sfortunati” come loro possano essere felici. The answer is simple. For them, every day is special and always smiling face. Living eager to run, jump, play and learn about the world and just so little to make them smile again. They are different from our children. Are simpler, but deeper. They know the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof life, including sharing. I recall an incident a few days ago when I accompanied two of them in Pulsano to star in live nativity scene. I was amazed when one of them took a pack and set them before you eat them, has gone around the entire bus to offer them to everyone. He, a young man who has nothing if not an immense generosity. I know these kids only in September and are madly in love with them, their smiles, their eyes and their assaults when I meet. That is why in my spare time I'm going to give a hand to the other guys to help with homework. And, I swear, that make me feel really rich. Share with them things that I know makes me feel full. I think that there is no best thing to give a bit 'of themselves to others. As I said at the beginning for them there is a future out there waiting for them. They do not know how many things they could do and I, in my small way, together with the boys I want to Orta Nova, we try to open before their eyes roads other than those of violence and delinquency.
Roberta Rizzo
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