Pregnancy is a biological event, social and emotional involvement that goes to the 'physical appearance, dynamic, emotional, environmental, relational of women. It 'a fact that the way in which calves are born and portrays us in a subtle and sophisticated features of a society and its culture. The protection of health within the maternal / child is a commitment to strategic importance of health and social systems to promote the morale and welfare of a given population and is thus of safeguarding the 'mental and psychological integrity of women and the fetus and Need humanization of prenatal care.
Make a child is a development plan for the family model. Unfortunately, in today's society is the magnitude of "wanting to dispose of the product of conception" and the use of legal abortions, but also illegal immigrants, mostly practiced by women of 'East which is not very informed on
Law 194/78 (Law on' voluntary interruption of pregnancy is to protect the health of women) make mistakes that are illegal to compromise their own health as well as lead to the death of the fetus.
Among the new towns developed in fact the 'improper use of prostaglandins, usually prescribed by doctors and purchased drugs for the treatment, according to them, severe stomach pain. Fact, there are gastro-protective drugs that, taken in specific doses, cause strong uterine contractions, inducing, thus, the 'abortion as well as a number of side effects or death. Especially Foreign use of the dark, hidden paths to get these pills: on ships, including garments from China or Romania, or through Internet sites. The drug in '80% of cases leads to the' abortion but serious adverse events, the women come to hospitals with severe rupture or perforation of 'uterus, hemorrhage, retained placenta ..
E 'therefore necessary to inform women, especially those most in need and to the law 194/78 "Rules for the protection of motherhood and on the' voluntary interruption of pregnancy" which sets out how to use 'abortion; today Italy any woman can ask ' termination of pregnancy (VIP) within the first 90 days of gestation for reasons of health, economic, social and family and that intervention can be made at public or private facilities approved by the regions.
Freedom of choice is a right man 's but still preferred the triumph of life on the "negation of life." In fact, E. Fromm, German sociologist and psychoanalyst, said: "There 's only one meaning of life: the' very act of living."
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